Many people have drawn moral conclusions from an emotive anecdote shared on Twitter by a user known as @ ThefrontPaige.

According to the account, a woman was surprised to hear that a man she believed was avoiding her after numerous good encounters had died.

The lady in question is her friend, according to @ ThefrontPaige, who shared the story on Twitter. She had been ranting about the man ghosting her for several weeks.

However, when she went to his Facebook page to see why he had stopped communicating with her, she discovered that he had died.

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”OMG one of my friends has been bitching for weeks about this dude who ghosted her after several excellent dates. Turns out he died last month 🥴

Y’all she went on FB to “see what this nicca been up to that he don’t have 5 seconds to send a text” aaaand whole time he was in the ground.”


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