Lambas dare ‘delusive’ Dora


DORA Siliya will not bully us into silence by issuing us with empty threats, says the Lamba Lima Royal Council of Zambia.

Executive chairman Josphat Nsundwe said threats by Siliya to have the association deregistered are illogical.

Nsundwe said this in a statement yesterday.

“We found the claims made by information minister Dora Siliya in response to our statement rejecting the appointment of Mr Zulu as DC [district commissioner] for Masaiti not only unfortunate and regrettable but also irresponsible and unbecoming of a national leader. From the onset we wish to let her know that we will not be bullied in silence,” stated Nsundwe. “We wish to inform the minister that we are not a political organisation as she claims. It is very delusive of her to claim that there are disgruntled politicians using us. She should understand that we make a legitimate demand. We are not promoting tribalism. But while being patriotic and accommodating, we find it unacceptable that we should deliberately be excluded and marginalised in participating in the running of national affairs.”

He described Siliya’s comments as illogical and outrageous.

“We find Hon Siliya’s emotional diatribes as illogical, slighting and outrageous. We will not accept to be treated as second class citizens,” he stated.

Nsundwe stated that the council was not threatened by Siliya to deregister the association.

“If she decides to deregister the association as she threatened, it would be a temporary setback for us, but we can assure her that it will emerge stronger later. But one thing she should bear also in mind is that deregistration of the association will not destroy the spirit and the firm resolve of the Lamba people to promote and preserve their culture and traditional values,” he stated.

He wondered how the association is tribal when it was the PF that had allowed its ministers and members to insult other tribes.

“She should know that we are not oblivious to the fact that it is actually PF leaders who proved to be extremely tribal and delusive. Not long ago, Professor Nkandu Luo, Chanda Nyela, Mumbi Phiri, Hon Christopher Yaluma, GBM [Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba] and many other PF senior leaders and members of parliament were calling for people of their tribe to vote for their tribesmen,” stated Nsundwe. “Appointments to public service and parastatals are made from certain tribes only to the exclusion of other tribes. This is not fair….”


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