Lie about HH meeting with judges was meant to defend democracy – Nakacinda


Lie about HH meeting with judges was meant to defend democracy – Nakacinda

PF information and publicity chairperson Raphael Nakacinda says his remarks about President Hakainde Hichilema having dark corner meetings with judges was to defend democracy and prevent the country from “reverting to autocracy”.

Nakacinda has been indicted on a repealed law of defamation of the President.

On December 13, 2021 Nakacinda with intent to bring President Hichilema into hatred, ridicule and contempt caused the publication of defamatory matter when he alleged that the Head of State was summoning judges at his residence to coerce them into promoting totalitarian rule.

Opening his defence before magistrate Irene Wishimanga this morning, Nakacinda could to not cast light on his claims against the Head of State but instead chose to go round circles explaining why he always has a binoculars slinging on his neck.

He said after President Hichilema assumed office on August 26, 2021 he launched “Operation Binoculars” to zoom the UPND’s faults in governing the country so that he can censure relevant authorities and they would react to his sentiments.

“In order to offer checks and balances, I needed to symoblycally carry a gadget I was going to watch every step and action our colleagues in government make and that if their actions and steps are inimical to the interest of the Zambian people in so far as upholding the democratic tenets is concerned we would fore to the Zambian people to be aware, as Zambians are the final authority in extending a mandate whenever there is an election,” Nakacinda explained.

“When I come across information I speak to it. I expect those in government to respond by clarifying, confirming or deny if the information is not correct.”

The binoculars-carrying politician claimed that the State and its witnesses among them UPND Kankoyo member of parliament Heartson Mabeta distorted his utterances that the Head of State had begun summoning judges to his home.

“They do not depict what I was saying and the full context of what I was communicating. That is an excerpt of the totality of what I said even then the way it is couched suggests that I was saying that the President has met judges,”Nakacinda clarified.

“The information I was disseminating speaks to the effect that there is intention to start summoning judges for purposes of advancing an agenda to take us back to a one party state.”

He said as a member of the opposition PF he is clothed with the duty to oppose any attempts to go against the decision of many Zambians to introduce a multi-party State in 1990.

“In pronouncing myself on that day, it was in defence of democracy,” said Nakacinda.

He indicated that on December 14, 2021 Himself and former presidential spokesperson Anthony Bwalya featured on Hot FM‘s breakfast show were Bwalya refuted his assertions that the Head of State was meddling in the affairs of the judiciary, as government does not engage in any activities that would compromise the Judiciary or undermine democracy.

“We will not relent as opposition or myself to speak out on issues we deem inimical to the rule of law, the principle of the separation of power between the executive, judiciary and legislature,” said Nakacinda.

At this point the accused’s lawyer Jonas Zimba requested for an adjournment so that he could produce sound bites of Nakacinda’s interview on Hot FM.

Magistrate Wishimanga reluctantly adjourned the matter to May 31 and cautioned the defense against going to court unprepared.

By Mwaka Ndawa



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