By Edward Roy Makayi


I rarely write articles these days but my headline is clear and many Zambians share my view that lifting Lungu’s immunity is no longer an “IF” question but “WHEN” its a state obligation to do it if justice is equal and to deter future wrong doers at presidential level.

Zambia should NEVER have a “Lungu” type of a president its better to bring a local traditional chief they have sanity and dignity than have a person like Lungu, so careless, so cunning, brutal, corrupt and so on.

I don’t care how this message hits you especially PF am sure by now you know I careless about your opinion especially now you are nothing to me but the battle is not yet over. Lungu must face jail this is another appeal the new dawn government will have to deal with us now we demand it.

The amount of debt we are struggling as a nation is heaped and hidden by one person and his family. Edgar Chagwa Lungu now has over 500 properties just in Lusaka alone before you go out. He is a Landlord of over a thousand tenants in Lusaka alone on top of it more money he stole hidden in his cronies and family members yet he plays a tenant? That’s fooling us. History will judge us if Lungu is not prosecuted in the name of togetherness and unity those jokes don’t apply to national justice someone has to be accountable. I can not be paying taxes as a citizen for the rest of my life while the person who got me in the mess is freely out there jogging and mocking that the state should pay his rentals thats an insult. My birthday is in September the biggest present I want is Lungu’s immunity being lifted.

Hon. Emmanuel Jay Banda I was watching your Muvi TV interview program I feel disappointed with your statement so much. Being a former president has nothing to do with respect or immunity sacred if one wronged. As a member of parliament representing the people of Petauke tell them the truth that being an MP or president does not give one passport to commit crimes so that when they are out of office they should never be prosecuted because they served the country, my friend thats an arrogance way of thinking as an MP you are not supposed to be talking like that. The very MP you are praising that she served well in Petauke and she deserves respect which I agree with subject to Ts and Cs, Are you aware that she is the person who convinced Late RB to sale Zamtel to Lapgreen at a give away price of $25 million dollars with RP Capital evaluators getting almost 60% of the amount in negotiations which she was part of? Are you aware that it was Dora Siliya as Communication Minister where the Radar installations at then Lusaka International Airport where inflated against normal price? Are you aware that some of us inclusive of myself as a university student I fought tooth and nail to see to it that she was removed as Energy Minister when she started talking of selling ZESCO?, Malawi Maize scandal including the access to information bill she blocked it as Minister of information?.. lets talk of substance of service a leader did not quantity of service if you steal today as JJ Banda there is nothing sacred of you from facing trial just because you served the people of Petauke no you need to face the law.

No one cares about Lungu, no one is even scared about him as a politician because as far as I am concerned Edgar Lungu is a weakest candidate to defeat in any election contest. He was humiliated while he had power, commanders and cadres do you think he stands a chance even if he was to contest in 2026?.

Lets discuss issues of substance here the police are allowed to use force if one is not corporating its the law that empowers them under the constitution not HH. HH who did nothing didn’t we see Police breaking his gate and breaking doors of his house in New Kasama to go get him on a fake charge of treason? What was your say? 🙄 Did you even comment for you to lecture us today that grinding Lungu’s house gate is bad. If he commit the crime the immunity is null and void I expect you to understand this as a lawmaker sir. Lungu has so many scandals that defeats his statehood status and when he is wanted to be questioned his immunity is null and void and right now we are calling for that same immunity to be lifted so that he is prosecuted further so that tomorrow if JJ Banda from Petauke becomes president he shall conduct himself in a well manner and statesman behaviour because law does not extend into the immunity if you break it you shall be prosecuted in your name as JJ Banda or in my name as Edward Makayi.

We should not use politics as a platform of shield to do wrong things and seek shelter and protection because we served the country awe bane thats wrong.


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