She posts:

Good evening, I trust you are all well.

I have given sober reflection and consideration of the apology rendered by Ivanka Bianca yesterday on her Facebook page. I must acknowledge the brave and contrite disposition of her heart as far as I could detect. Informed by the biblical value of forgiving those who trespass against us, I feel that her apology has brought me to that place of rising above emotions and grant her my forgiveness which she craved for.

To err is human and to forgive is divine. I forgive you Ivanka with the utmost sincerity of my heart. I hold nothing against you today and always regarding the defamatory video. Not everyone is happy to see young women aspire for office and therefore Character Assassination is used to discredit genuinely hard working women. Unforntunately, you fell in the trap of being used to defame my persona and I say next time please be careful. You are young and ambitious, focus on achieving your goals and you will definitely succeed.

To the general public that was injured by the video, please forgive Bianca and let us move on. I therefore, ask that all bloggers that shared the video on their platforms whether Tiktok, Facebook or YouTube should pull down the video immediately so we can burry the past. There is more to life than celebrating battles.

I will instruct my Lawyers to take the necessary steps to put an amicable closure to the law suit.

God bless!
I look forward to receiving you Bianca at London Heathrow Airport.

Lillian Mutambo


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