Liswaniso responds to Emmanuel Mwamba’s HH booing remarks


Liswaniso responds to Emmanuel’s HH booing remarks

The Patriotic Front’s (PF) Desperate Attempt to Dent President Hichilema’s Image Will Not Distract from Their Own Failures

The ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) has noted with disdain the latest false claims by Emmanuel Mwamba, a former Ambassador and staunch PF supporter, that President Hakainde Hichilema was booed at Heroes Stadium. This is a blatant lie and a desperate attempt to divert attention from the PF’s own failures and rejection by the Zambian people.

President Hichilema’s call for unity and dialogue at Heroes Stadium was a testament to his commitment to putting Zambia first and working towards a better future for all citizens. This is in stark contrast to the PF’s divisive rhetoric and hate-filled agenda, which has only served to polarize the nation and undermine our progress.

The PF’s aversion to progressive talks and their pride in hate and hallucinations are well-documented. Their orchestrated attempts to dent President Hichilema’s image are a daily agenda, fueled by their rejection in the democratic elections. Emmanuel Mwamba’s falsehoods about the stadium incident are a desperate attempt to force a rejected administration on Zambians.

Meanwhile, President Hichilema is working tirelessly under challenging circumstances, including drought, food scarcity, load shedding, and dwindling income levels. Despite these challenges, his government has achieved significant successes, including economic reforms, debt restructuring, investment promotion, social welfare programs, infrastructure development, transparency, and accountability, diplomatic achievements, green initiatives, education enhancement, and healthcare improvements.

The nation demands constructive dialogue and collective efforts to address the challenges ahead, rather than perpetuating falsehoods and divisive rhetoric. We will not be swayed by the PF’s desperate attempts to distract us from our progress. We will continue to put Zambia first and work towards a better future for all citizens.




  1. Sport on Mr Liswaniso.Imagine If it was PF in power with this climate change we are encountering,it was going to be a very serious disaster.Can one imagine international community rendering any aid to PF government with that kind of behaviour they demonstrated.The government of UPND is for the people of Zambia and people have all the hope and they know they will be fine soon.This climate set back will not press on us forever.East Africa suffered drought last year they needed relief food but now they have the food in excess talk of Kenya and Tanzania.UPND has five years mandate and still have enough time to normalise and correct what climate change has damaged.This feeling will be the past soon.The water levels will not fail us again.We shall have bumper harvest soon.

  2. I think the UPND Youth Wing is a complete disappointment and let down.
    The booing happened over the weekend and its stupid for Liswaniso to be denying it. The truth is the UPND youths under Gilbert’s leadership have failed the party. They don’t even know what they’re doing and where they’re going. The PF youths would never permit such an embarrassing incident happen. Change of leadership in the UPND is inevitable if only to improve the party’s public image. You cant let the insults rein on the party president day in and day out for no reason. The youth leaders have failed the party!

  3. It’s not PF but different media that were present there reported the booing and even video evidence is there to support it. If you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend it did not happen then that’s your fallacy.


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