…..As he condemns the former republican president Mr Edgar Lungu for referring hypocrisy to Government efforts to unity the country.


UPND North Western province Youth Chairperson Mr Bruce Kanema has condemned the remarks made by the former president Mr Edgar Lungu yesterday at the Embassy park after the burial service of the late president Rupiah Banda.

Mr Bruce kanema has condemned the hypocrisy statement issued by former president ECL in which he said it’s high time that president Lungu must have a unifying language and avoid divisive language which the late president RB spoke against.

Mr Kanema also stated that the remarks made by the acting PF president Given Lubinda in which he challenged the Government to arrest those who stole Government resources instead of telling them to surrender which he said was a mockery to the Government of the republic of Zambia.

He stated that these statements means both the former president Edgar Lungu and his clique member Mr Given Lubinda are not remorseful for the wrong things they did and they eventually do not appreciate the methodical way of handling national matters by the UPND New Dawn Government.

Mr kanema has called on the Government to up their fight against corruption and recovery of what was stolen with full force because the clique is now on it’s way to continue fooling Zambians and sound relevant to the public.

He has challenged all the Government investigative wings to take seriously the spirit of fighting corrupt without using kids cloves and waiting for instructions but doing what the law demands.

He emphasized that His Exellence president HH must be helped by all well meaning Zambians to achieve his good vision for the benefits of every citizen of this country regardless of their political, social or economic status in society.

He stated that the clique are back and are speaking louder because the assets which they have managed to hide the stolen assets including unregistered motor vehicles which are now back on the streets without fear or shame.

Mr Bruce Kanema has challenged the former president Mr Edgar Lungu to avoid using divisive language when the country is healing from total division on political and regional lines which was spearhead by the PF regime under his leadership.



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