Justice Minister Given Lubinda is expected to hold a press briefing in Lusaka on Bill 10 today, as the ruling party tries to drum up support for the controversial bill.

The Bill is scheduled to come up for voting in parliament next week Tuesday, and the ruling party is in another attempt to smuggle it through.

The President Edgar Lungu administration which badly wants to see the Bill sail through is throwing everything into the ring in a bid to secure support for the ‘Draconian’ piece of legislation.

Threats have reportedly been made, bribes attempted all in effort to have the Bill passed.

The PF government has allegedly failed to bribe the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) to support the controversial Bill 10.

Justice Minister Given Lubinda travelled to Mongu last weekend and had a series of meetings with Ngambela Mukela Manyando.

At the time Lubinda was in Mongu, the BRE was having a consultative meeting at the Kuta with some members of parliament from the region on the way forward on Bill number 10 and the meeting resolved not to support the Bill after a long debate.

The government has been trying to hoodwink the BRE to compel members of parliament in Western Province to support Bill 10.

The Bill has been roundly condemned as it is believed not to be good for citizens.

Some political watchers say the Bill if passed into law would make Zambia a constitutional dictatorship, as it gives too much power to the President.

The Catholic Church in Zambia has also rejected Bill 10 and has appealed to the government to withdraw the Bill.

And Patriots for Economic Progress (PEP) president Shawn Tembo has charged that the PF was playing a shallow game of trying to create a perception that they do not support the controversial clauses in Bill 10.

Tembo said if the PF was genuine they should immediately withdraw the Bill so that all controversial clauses are removed before a fresh document can be brought back to parliament.


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