John Sangwa

LEWIS Nathan Advocates and Makebi Zulu Advocates are now demanding K3 million from constitutional lawyer John Sangwa as costs following the dismissal of his petition against the ECZ over its decision to eliminate the paragraph which states that a presidential candidate has not held office twice in the affidavit for presidential candidates and running mates.

The two law firms are separately demanding K1,500,000 each from Sangwa.

According to their demand letters which have been drafted in a similar wording but served on Sangwa on different dates on May 17 and 18 this year, the law firms have given Sangwa an ultimatum of one week in which to settle the costs.

“Reference is made to the court’s decision of May 14 instant dismissing your petition with costs. We write to inform you that we have pegged our costs at a modest fee of ZMW1,500,000 only. We accordingly demand that the said sum be paid within seven days of receipt of this letter,” read the demand letters

“We have taken the liberty to provide your good self with our bank details for your convenience. Stanbic Bank Zambia limited, account name Lewis Nathan Advocates, account number 9130000315072, Kwacha account and FNB Manda Hill, swift code 26004, account name Makebi Zulu Advocates, account number 62401262340.”

Sangwa was condemned to costs by the Constitutional Court when it dismissed his petition for lack of merit.

The constitutional lawyer was seeking an order of mandamus compelling ECZ to amend the affidavit for presidential candidates and running mates and include another paragraph which is in compliance with Article 106(3) of the constitution which must read “I have not twice held office as President”.

Sangwa’s contention was that the affidavit for presidential candidates and running mates in its current form does not meet the requirements of Article 52 of the constitution because it does not require a candidate to state on oath the number of times they have held office as president as required by Article 106(3) of the constitution, in order to qualify for nomination as a presidential candidate.



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