By Patson Chilemba

MMD leader pastor Nevers Mumba says he hopes governments in the region are watching that they can’t get away with rigging elections anymore, as not every judge can be bought and manipulated.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, pastor Mumba, who attended the swearing-in ceremony of Malawi’s newly elected President, said he hoped leaders were now aware that the days of rigging the elections were over. Dr Lazarus Chakwera resoundingly defeated incumbent Dr Peter Mutharika, gaining over 58 percent of the vote, after the earlier election was annulled by the courts of law following massive rigging by Dr Mutharika’s government.

“You know the justice system is also getting weary and tired of protecting governments that have failed to deliver and anybody who tries to abuse the electoral process will be required to account for it, and so Malawi has taught us many many lessons and I hope that governments in the region are watching that you can’t get away with it any more,” pastor Mumba said. “Not every judge can be bought, not every judge can be manipulated, so I think Malawi has demonstrated that there are men and women of integrity and dignity within the justice system. So we have a lot to learn and I hope that our colleagues are learning from what is happening in this country (Malawi).”

On his recognition by Dr Chakwera during the ceremony as Zambia’s former vice-president, Dr Mumba said it was not about anybody recognising him, saying he knew who he was already.

“Whether you recognise that I am Nevers Mumba or not it’s inconsequential that’s who I am. I am president of the Movement of Multiparty Democracy. If you don’t acknowledge that it doesn’t change anything, I am still the legal president. I am from Muchinga province, you may not agree with that but it doesn’t change anything, I am from Muchinga province,” said Dr Mumba. “I am not looking for anyone to acknowledge me I am already recognised by God.” – Daily Revelation


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