Just 5 months in his home country, Malawians have already feeling the positive impact of having Prophet Bushiri in their fold.

Recently, debate ensued on social media with regards to observable hundreds of people jetting in the country to meet with the revered Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, the leader of Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG).

Leading the debate was renowned social media activist Idriss Ali Nassah who posted his observation while landing at Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) weeks ago.

He wrote: “Ethiopian Airlines and Kenya Airways touched down at Kamuzu International Airport at about the same time yesterday. A good number of the people in the arrivals hall were holding South African and Botswana passports, far outnumbering Malawians.

“In the airport parking lot were several buses picking them up on their way to the Shepherd Bushiri Ministries. I was thinking of the benefits along this chain; airlines, hotels, transportation, food, Bwandilo, etc.”

Nassah, a renowned journalist and also well-travelled academician, added that “whatever you think of him, that man Bushiri is an industry!”

His post attracted several comments from people across the board, agreeing with him that Bushiri is indeed ‘an industry’ Malawi must treasure and keep.

Dr Henry Chingaipe, one of Malawi leading public intellectual on social and governance issues, called it “the Bushiri value vain”.

While another commentator Macwilliam Chikapa said: “Indeed he us industrious, home is best. Such trends of inducing visitors coming to Malawi to his ministry is an advantage. Its matter of utilizing it the better way as those visitors will spend money inside our country.”

While in South Africa, Bushiri was hailed as one of the top most contributors to the City of Tshwane through arrivals of thousands of religious pilgrims. Pretoria economy.

A 2018 research conducted by Dr Acha-Anyi from Tshwane University of Technology reveals that ECG congregants noted 90% stay between 1 to 2 days and 20% stay in commercial tourist accommodation.


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