Mandevu Constituency Huge Gathering Is An Acknowledgement Of Bally’s Efforts To Improving Their Lives- UPND



By Ruth Dante

The gathering by Mandevu Constituency residents yesterday clearly indicate their belief that President Hakainde Hichilema is addressing issues affecting them.

Recently, Ministry of Local Government and Rural development, handed over earth moving equipment valued at more than K3.9 million while co-operatives and clubs received more than K5 million.

Last year in December, Mandevu Constituency received K976.746,082 as disbursements to women, youth groups and Cooperatives.

The disbursements are a reason why Mandevu residents gathered in huge numbers to appreciate the efforts the President is making towards developing their constituency and their lives.

The gathering also indicate that the people of Mandevu fully acknowledge the fact President Hichilema is working so hard to improve their livelihood through national policies such as Free education policy and Community Development Fund.

There was ululation and noise during the President’s address, when he said that he was aware that the price of mealie meal was high and further explained what his government was doing to lower the price of mealie meal.

The President also used the occassion to assure the nation that his government was carefully resolving the issue on the high cost of mealie meal with steps already taking shape as he added that the increase in the price of white maize was meant to increase production by making it profitable.

He further told the cheering crowd that his government inherited a huge debt which had choked the country’s development agenda but was glad to note that much of it had been renegotiated towards social sectors.

The invitation made for the Area MP, all Councillors irrespective of their party affiliation to set aside politics and work towards developing the constituency through CDF clearly indicates a inclusive government.

The announcement by President Hichilema that his family has donated a borehole to the constituency is a commitment to improve people’s lives because water is life.

Through our his campaign during the time in opposition, President Hichilema has been consistent with his vision of making live better for the people of Zambia.

President Hichilema said his family would donate a boreholes each to all seven constituencies in Lusaka.

This is what attracts crowds because people know that he is a capable leader and remains committed to fulfilling his dream of making life better.



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