Margaret Mwanakatwe


Lusaka … Saturday, May, 15, 2021 [Smart Eagles]

To My Family Of Lusaka Central Constituency,
I am, once again, humbled and honoured to be adopted as the Candidate for Lusaka Central Constituency under the Patriotic Front Party.

Firstly, I wish to thank His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu – Chairman of the Central Committee of the Patriotic Front Party, for the belief in my capacity to deliver to the people of Lusaka Central.

I also wish to thank the Central Committee of the Patriotic Front Party for having adopted me as the nominated candidate for Lusaka Central Constituency.

I pledge my continued and unwavering support to the Party.

I wish to thank you, Lusaka Central, for your confidence and support. To the Party structures that have been critical in my endeavours to deliver to the Constituency, I am eternally indebted to you.186481181_2860749467571798_4389540628041132279_n

I also believe that we have capacity, amidst divergent views, to constructively work together for the common good of our people.
Lusaka Central, we have a responsibility to deliver to the Electorate.

To the Electorate we pledge to continue to deliver in line with your expectations and aspirations.

I look forward to taking on the mammoth task ahead of us. I have full confidence in you as the winning team.

I believe that what we have done hitherto is less than what we have yet- to-do ahead of us. With our combined effort we will achieve.

Let us continue to work together for the common good of our family, Patriotic Front and that of our community in which we live and operate.

Thank you and God Bless

Margaret Dudu Mwanakatwe.



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