By Nkonkomalimba Kafunda

Revelations by health minister Sylvia Masebo of a serious mismatch between actual existing health facilities and health facilities that are purported to require financial and other resources for smooth operations, are criminal not an administrative oversight, as a former lawmaker from Sioma would have us believe as reported on one of today’s news bulletins.

This topsy turvy state of affairs has put the ministry’s budgeting and resource allocation processes in a tailspin and had it not been for verification of information submitted, deceitful officials would have been laughing all the way to the bank (s) severally, on multiple occasions.

The of officials behind such an audacious and elaborate scheme must have been getting their cues from higher up, they were not acting alone. Unfortunately this is but a microcosm of the plunder, pilferage and pillage that was common place in the previous regime.

It has become increasingly difficult, therefore, to relegate the PF regime to the past, to the forever go, as their deeds or misdeeds continue to manifest even after they have left office. Their deeply embedded seeds of endemic corruption should not be allowed to bear fruit.


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