ZMA president Dr Aaron Mujajati


I was born Aaron Dzimbanhete Mujajati at the University Teaching Hospital here in Lusaka more than 45 years ago to Cephas Philip Mujajati, a Zimbabwean national and Esther Mwangana Mubita, a Zambian Lozi woman from nayaka village in western province.

I am a third born in a family of ten children. My mother insisted we learn how to speak my father’s and her language at home and that is how I am able to speak both Lozi and Shona quite well.

I was raised in Chaisa compound here in Lusaka and I lived there until I graduated from the University of Zambia. I am married to Dr. Ushmaben Patel-Mujajati, a Zambian whose parents come from India. We have four daughters.202514260_10159530277422662_1597017448702145934_n

I am not going to talk about the social challenges of being a Zambian with a foreign surname and living in Zambia as that is outside that scope of this page. We can debate that on my Twitter feed or my personal Facebook page.

I did this write up because a time comes when a man must introduce himself as I have done.


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