George Sichula NDC Copperbelt Provincial Chairperson


George Sichula
NDC Copperbelt provincial Chairman

There is information circulating within the PF that the members of Parliamet stand a risk of not been adopted if they didnt support Bill 10. This has brought fear leading to compromise among the members of parliament. As you all know, the number one enemy of empowerment is the fear of losing what we have. Almost all members of Parliament are fully aware that Zambians are not happy, and that Bill 10 is a poison, except, MPs have been held at ransom by the President. The members of Central committe are also divided over the same but you know how they fear the President. All members are a rubber stamp with expired positions. They all know that it is the President who is pushing for a third term indirectly but are afraid to challenge him.

Imagine that most of these PF MPs challenging the Catholics are doing so to bargain for their readoption in exchange with securing Bill 10 for ECL. Chances are very high that Bill 10 may go through because PF needs it as a tool for continuation. They dont care whether people want it or not, Bill 10 must go through. In Africa we say, “The day a man tastes the sweetness of a woman, that day he also tastes the bitterness.” Pass the Bill and see the other side of Zambians. Its a warning.

We expect NDC and UPND MPs to walk out of Parliament and never to support the Bill.Two rams cannot drink from the same bucket at the same time; they will lock horns. When the right leader and the right timing come together, incredible things happen.


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