Miles Sampa

Miles labels PF list of office-bearers bogus

MILES Sampa says the list of Patriotic Front (PF) office-bearers submitted to the police for security clearance is bogus and may not go through because it contains some non-members and former convicts.

The PF presidential hopeful said in an interview that he is disappointed that the current party leadership has submitted names of some non-party members to be office-bearers when it has more than a million loyal and committed members.

“That list is gong’a [bogus), it is fake because it has people who are not members of PF like [Raphael] Nakacinda, unless they state when they joined PF, the date and when he resigned from MMD,” he said.

“People on that list will have to do fingerprints for clearance, so how many of those will get a police clearance even if we asked a Grade Two. And who came up with those names?

Credit: Zambia Daily Mail


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