The Patriotic Front Central province chairperson Mr Billy Sichamba was yesterday on 28/10/2023 in Lusaka attending the memorial service for the late President Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, mhsrip. In the team of Provincial chairperson was the MCC Ms Thabiso Mizinga and the Central province women’s information publicity secretary madam Adora Alinedi Phiri. Central province chairperson Mr Billy Sichamba said “the central province leadership is not going to tolerate any form of indiscipline by endorsing Miles Sampa for the party President. The province did not take part in his illegal convertion and it is for this reason why we challenge him to provide the names of the delegates who attended and voted for him at his illegal convertion especially those from the structures in central province.

However there has been a turn of events as sixth Republican President Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu has announced that he is getting back to active politics.All loyal PF members are encouraged to remain strong and focused.

He said and I quote “As long as I live, I will not allow PF to die”.

He further continued stating that he will also not allow opportunistic individuals to destroy the party.

Therefore, after a careful and deep reflection and wide consultations, following naked efforts by those in power to annihilate the biggest opposition party in Zambia today, the PF, using their stooges and institutions of governance, I have decided to return to active politics to continue as President of the party.

As I get back to my party leadership role, I call for unity of purpose. I will need to work with everyone. And all those shenanigans of some mischievous characters holding illegal conventions come to an end here and now, today!

And in order to rescue the Zambian people from this emerging want on destruction of democracy
By those in power, I invite all the opposition parties to join forces with us in PF.

This is not about Edgar Chagwa Lungu. I am not doing this because I have an ambition to become President again. Any, among the opposition leaders, can become President.

I am doing this in defence of democracy and I am ready to support any opposition leader that Zambians will think can best represent their aspirations and rescue them from the abrogation of the rule of law and the dictatorship we are witnessing today.

Therefore, I am ready to fight from the front, not from the rear, in defence of democracy. Those who are ready for this fight, come along. Those who are ready, let’s go. As for me, I am ready for anything!

If I have to die, this will be a good cause that I will gladly die for. Whatever happens, let it happen but democracy must thrive. The will of the Zambian people must not be stiffled by anyone, not even those who are wielding power today.

So I say to my comrade and dear friend Fred M’membe, that come along and join hands with me in this fight for democracy.

Harry Kalaba, come along!
Wynter Kabimba, come along!
Kelvin Bwalya Fube, come along!
Chishala Kateka, come along!
Saboi Imboela, come along!
Jackson Silavwe, come along!
Sean Tembo, come along!
Kasonde Mwenda, come along!

In short, all the opposition parties, let’s join hands and fight this dictatorship being imposed on us by those in power.
All Zambians that believe in democracy, come along!

Come along! Come along! Together, let’s defend the democracy we fought for over three decades ago.

I am back to active politics as PF president elected in 2021 with a mandate up to 2026. The PF will hold a general conference at the right time to choose a leader before the next elections in 2026. After the conference, I will handover to whoever will be elected to lead the PF in the 2026 general elections.

For now, I am prepared to suffer all manner of consequences for choosing to
defend and protect democracy in Zambia, for choosing to protect the mighty PF from all those intending to kill it. Long live PF!

I thank you, and may the almighty God continue to shine upon our country, Zambia.

Issued by the Patriotic Front central province WIPS
Madam Adora Alinedi Phiri


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