Milingo Showed That Zambians Have The Capacity To Run The Mines- Hon Kafwaya

Mutotwe Kafwaya
Mutotwe Kafwaya


………..says KCM managed to run smoothly when Milingo Lungu was the liquidator.

Lusaka……July 21st 2023 (SMART EAGLES)

Patriotic Front Presidential Candidate Mutotwe Kafwaya says Zambians have the capacity to run the Mines in the country.

Hon Kafwaya said this was demonstrated by Former Konkola Copper Mines Provisional Liquidator Milingo Lungu who ensured that the workers and the suppliers were paid on time and enhance the cash flow for KCM.

He said a lot of Zambians have been trained in the technical expertise required to effectively run a mine.

He was speaking when he featured on Millennium TV’s Night live programme.

Hon Kafwaya said it is therefore unfortunate of the intention by Government to give KCM back to Vedanta.

Last week, Government said it was only remaining with one item in their discussion on the issues with Vedanta.

And Hon Kafwaya said he remains sceptical on the statement by Government because it is hard to believe what they say.

“Today we take back the mine to this investor. Government has resolved issues, I am sceptical about any information that comes from the upnd Government. This is the UPND government that was telling the PF to get rid of Vedanta while in opposition. Vedanta boasted how it managed to get KCM on the cheap. PF came into power, the pledges it made of investments were not fulfilled. From that end, you can say that it was reasonable for government to repossess the mine. All stakeholders were happy that government had to repossess the mine,” he said.

Hon Kafwaya said the country has a chance of putting Zambians back to work.

He stated that the idea of relying on foreigners all the time must be done away with.

“As a people let us start thinking about our country. These investors are thinking about their generations. There is need to restructure the mines and take Zambians back to work. The issue of hating people so much must be done away with,” he said.


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