Milupi tells ECL to choose active politics or retirement


Milupi tells ECL to choose active politics or retirement

The UPND Alliance has advised former President Edgar Lungu to make up his mind and decide whether or not he wants to engage in active politics.

UPND Alliance chairperson Charles Milupi said if the former President does not make up his mind and continues engaging in political stunts, he should expect a reaction from the Government.

During a question-and-answer session, a correspondent from Al Jazeera asked Government why it is always seemingly agitated with Mr Lungu’s media appearances.

In response, Mr Milupi said the former President announced his retirement from active politics a few days after his defeat in the August 12, 2021 general election, and Government has no ill will against him.

“First of all, we wish him well, anyway,” he said. “Number two, there are conditions of being a retired President.

Zambia Daily Mail


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