Frank Tayali


GOVERNMENT discontinued the contract of the US$110 million intelligent mobility cameras because project wreaked of corruption, Transport minister, Frank Tayali, has said.

Mr Tayali said the project which was cancelled on October 22, 2020 was no longer operational due to the termination of the concessional agreement.
He said the deal was curtailed in a very short period because some people schemed to get perks from the deal which apparently was halted.

Mr Tayali said the project was in contravention of the law for a private company to have details of Zambian motorists.

Even the solicitor general, Abraham Mwansa, indicated that the project was not straightforward and needed to be halted at once,” Mr Tayali told Parliament.
Mr Tayali said that Solicitor General Abraham Mwansa raised a serious legal opinion and indicated that there was an element of fraud in the deal hence it could not continue as planned.

He said the project was under implementation from July 2018-March 2019 and three districts namely Lusaka, Kafue and Chisamba benefitted.

Mr Tayali said the termination of the contract also indicated that no parties were at fault and therefore there were no further costs to be incurred by both entities.
He said the cameras were put in strategic positions for the sole purpose of controlling traffic in the areas.

Daily Nation


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