Rehoboth Kafwabulula

MISA condemns Sun FM for asking SP spokesperson if she’s a virgin

MISA Zambia has condemned what it has termed “humiliating and intimidating” interview of Socialist Party spokesperson Rehoboth Kafwabulula said on Sun FM.

At 21, Kafwabulula is the youngest political party spokesperson.

In a statement this evening, MISA Zambia chairperson Hellen Mwale said the interview was unfair and unprofessional.

Mwale explained that, on Thursday, Sun FM’s Kausa Mbasela hosted Kafwabulula on the station’s flagship current affairs programme dubbed Public Forum.

During the programme, Mbasela humiliated Kafwabulula by asking her personal questions such as; “who are you sleeping with?” and and “are you still a virgin in the political space?”.

“MISA Zambia strongly condemns such interview tactics that are not only unprofessional, but also unfair and a clear breach of media ethics,” Mwale stated.

“We therefore, urge all media houses in the country to treat both female and male politicians with equal respect, prominence, and avoid asking them demeaning questions that attack their persona”.

Mwale said the interview tactic was not only unprofessional but also an insult to the female folk as it insinuates that females can only be successful if the slept with men in higher position.

“We therefore call upon Sun FM management to serious look into this matter and take appropriate action,” she said.

She said Zambia was a signatory to the SADC the Gender Protocol Agreement which calls for 50/50 gender representation and therefore, MISA Zambia expected all media institutions to align their political programmes in line with this protocol.

She said as the country approached the 2021 general elections, media houses should treat all political players equally, regardless of their political affiliation, race, tribe or gender.

Further, Mwale said MISA Zambia also expected journalists and talk show hosts to be non-partisan, independent, gender sensitive, and objective while moderating their political programmes in order to give every political party a platform to explain it’s manifesto.

“MISA Zambia is also appealing to media houses and journalists in particular to promote female participation in political governance of this country,” stated Mwale.



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