…. individuals who left the party and later rejoined can’t be trusted to be leaders.

FORMER PF secretary general Davies Mwila has insisted that party members should go for loyalty, integrity, and commitment when electing the next leader.

Mwila argues that the so-called MMD “hijackers” have shown more commitment to the party than individuals bragging about being founder members.

In an interview, Mwila insisted that individuals who left the party and later rejoined can’t be trusted to be leaders.

“I told the Zambian people and the members of the party that those that are not loyal to the party will be exposed as we go to the general conference. That’s why I’m supporting the secretariat for them to have delayed the convention for another two/three months because all of them will be exposed. And you have seen that now people are being exposed. I talked about Miles Sampa that he has been exposed, two more have been exposed. And I told the members of the party that as we go to the general conference, I advised them and I’m still advising them, anyone that left the party and came back, you can’t trust them. It’s high time that we voted for people that have loyalty, integrity and commitment,” he said.

Mwila added that the recently leaked audio between Chishimba Kambwili and Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba showed how desperate the two were to be leaders.

“That is desperation if you look at the conversation, it is showing that they are desperate and anyone who wants to be in the party must be prepared to be led, it means that they are not ready to be led, they just want to lead. That’s not leadership, leadership is about ‘you lead’ and if you are not there you accept also to be led, our friends can’t accept to be led. Those three people went and joined the UPND, they destroyed the party by telling Zambians that Edgar Lungu and all of us that we are corrupt. After destroying the party, the Zambian people agreed with them that we are corrupt and then they came back to the party. And those are some of the people that contributed to our loss,” he said.

And Mwila said the people who were referred to as hijackers by Kambwili and GBM had been more committed to the party.

“They are saying that they have hijacked the party, look at the commitment from honourable [Raphael] Nakacinda, the commitment to the party. Honourable Nakacinda has been sleeping in the cells because of the party. Very few of those have slept in the cells because of the party. Even in terms of commitment, those they are saying came from MMD are more committed than them. Those that they are saying have hijacked the party, honourable Nakacinda, [Chitalu] Chilufya, and [Brian] Mundubile, those people remained in the party. They were committed to the party, they suffered for the party until now. How can you tell them that they are MMD? What is the difference between them and Chilufya, because Chilufya came into the party in 2008. So how many years has Chilufya been in the party from 2008 up to now? Honourable Mundubile came into the party in 2011, he is 12 years in the party, how do you call them MMD?” he wondered.

“If they failed to campaign it’s better they pull out of the race. Party members are free to choose whoever they want because all of us are members of the party. You can’t segregate that there are new members and old members, all of them are members. Even those who came in January this year, you are a member of the party you can’t be segregated.

Membership is equal, people must know that membership is equal and as we go to the general conference, anyone who is contesting is a member of the party including Monde. Monde came in the party actually in 2016, 2017, he has been in the party for more than six years. Look at the commitment, he’s more committed than even those who boast that they formed the party”.

Mwila advised PF members to listen to senior members of the party like him as they head towards the convention.
“So that’s my advise, and as we go to the general conference, as a senior member of the party who has been in this party for 21 years now, 21 years solid, I have never been to any other political party, so people must listen to senior members of the party. When we advise, it means we know what we are talking about. So they have to take this matter of elections very serious that they have to choose people with integrity, people who have credibility, people who will be easier to be sold once we take them to the Zambian people,” said Mwila

(Credit: News Diggers)


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