Monde explains PF convention delay


Monde explains PF convention delay

By Margaret Malenga

PF presidential hopeful Greyford Monde says the delayed party presidential appointment is not “a delaying tactic of alebwelelapo” but a result of legal challenges the party is faced with.

Speaking when he featured on the DC Talk Radio’s political spectrum programme on Friday, Monde said their hands are currently tied due to the active matters that are in the courts of law.

“That of the acting president for example, that of the acting secretary general; in fact, it has gone further to that of the entire central committee and many other issues which have arisen and sitting at the court. So as a party, obviously, we may not really make a lot of movements around this,” he said. “It’s very clear that to do this we will actually be subjudice and we will go into contempt matters and there will be litigations around this, so as a party we are on a halt waiting to get this matter resolved.”

Monde said former president Edgar Lungu’s position is very clear on the matter.

“President Edgar Lungu’s term of office is supposed to end in 2026. He was voted in 2021, and that being the case, his term is supposed to be five years. So if there were any intentions of him, ‘alebwelelapo (bouncing back),’ he would have not even relinquished the position by way of indicating to the party that I’m letting go of this position. We have heard him speak on this subject. His position is very clear,” Monde said.

He said whoever is voted as president of the party by the convention would immediately become his candidate.

“We are one family, we are one party. Whoever that the convention is going to vote as president of the party, that one immediately becomes my candidate. We are going to come back from this convention stronger than we are today because then, we will have known who are we rallying behind, who are we selling to 2026 to unseat this government which is full of lies,” said Monde.


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