
    By Kangwanda Mucembele

    The ruling Patriotic Front’s Information Publicity Secretary for Mongu district Mwanamuke lsimwa has charged that the PF is likely to win the 2021 general elections if they were to maintain Edgar Chagwa Lungu as their presidential candidate.

    This is because the ruling party under his excellency president Edgar Lungu and Chairman MCC Bright Kafuka, Coordinator Glenn Kalimbwe, youths chairman Liwoyo, and the rest of the committee have continued working so hard and penetrating opposition strongholds such as Barotseland and North Western Province as can be seen in most of the bye elections held in these areas at councillor level and Mangango MP level in Barotseland.

    The early distribution of farming inputs is also another milestone in winning the hearts of many rural dwelars who are mostly farmers. As I speak now farming inputs have already been delivered to almost every part of this country in readiness for the 2020/2021 farming season.

    Government has also realised that most of the youths are eagar for betterment of changing their lives and being empowered through entrepreneur and farming. Government has also seen from the recent rezentiments by a few sponsored youths in Lusaka and a call for a youth revolution. Government as usual has started engaging these youths.

    The second option is the recent announcement that voter registration will only be conducted in 30 days. As you know most of the youths do not have voters cards and a lot of them will vote for the first time.

    The second option is the recent announcement that voter registration will only be conducted in 30 days. As you know most of the youths do not have voters cards and a lot of them will vote for the first time.

    Like here in Barotseland. the MonguLimulunga road which is under construction, cashew nut project which has brought life to thousands of people in Barotseland. Teachers, people and nurses have been employed in various districts.

    Hospitals have been constructed across our region and the government is considering to touch other projects, as you know the government can not do all the projects at once so it’s one by one.

    ltherefore urge the opposition political parties to be strong and up their game, we dont want to see the opposition crying for stolen victory.


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