More Witnesses Testify Against Ex-minister, Emerine Kabanshi, In Abuse Of Authority Case



A state witness has told the Lusaka’s magistrate court that former Community Development Minister Emerine Kabanshi got Furious after discovering that the ministry was terminating its contract with Zambia Postal Service in the distribution of the social cash transfer.

Ministry Of Community Development, Director of Human Resource and Administration Alex Njovu has testified that the accused person told senior officers that she needed to work with obedient people as her office was dealing with policy, failure to which she threatened to report them to cabinet office.

This is in a matter in which Ms. Kabanshi is accused of willful failure to comply with law and applicable procedure or guidelines relating to procurement involving the Social Cash Transfer program.

Mr. Njovu has testified that the accused requested that a letter be rescinded to reengage Zampost in the distribution of the funds.


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