Mubita Nawa’s candidacy: a call for transformation in INTERPOL’s leadership

Mubita Nawa
Mubita Nawa

Mubita Nawa’s candidacy: a call for transformation in INTERPOL’s leadership

In a historic bid that has captured the attention of the international community, Zambia has officially announced its nomination of Deputy Police Commissioner Mubita Nawa for the position of Secretary General of the International Police (INTERPOL).

The nomination of Nawa, a highly accomplished and respected law enforcement leader not only marks a significant moment for Zambia but also symbolises a pivotal shift towards inclusivity and diversity in the leadership of the world’s largest international police organisation.

For too long, the helm of INTERPOL has been steered by a narrow representation, predominantly from countries with similar geopolitical backgrounds.

Nawa says while the contributions of officials similar geopolitical backgrounds have been invaluable, there is a growing consensus that for INTERPOL to remain relevant and effective in a rapidly changing global landscape, it must include voices from all corners of the world.

“It must embrace a broader perspective that includes voices from all corners of the world. The complexities of crime in the modern era—shaped by intricate global networks and socio-economic factors – demand a leadership that brings firsthand experience from diverse contexts, especially from regions that have navigated the multi-faceted nature of crime through unique lenses,” he explains.

Nawa reckons that he represents a new breed of leadership, one deeply rooted in extensive international policing experience across multiple continents.

He has held strategic leadership positions in a wide range of police organisations, including the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Standby Force as well as the United Nations missions in Kosovo, Sudan and Liberia.

Importantly, Nawa, who is also Zambia Police Service Head of Administration, led INTERPOL’s Regional Bureau for Southern Africa, a senior management post within the INTERPOL headquarters structure considered as solid background for any leadership role in global policing.

His tenure has been marked by innovative approaches to tackling crime, fostering international cooperation, and building capacity within law enforcement agencies to address the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Nawa believes that with such a rich profile, his candidacy was unanimously endorsed by the various levels within the SADC region to the level of summit, a forum for the Heads of State and Government.

His vision for INTERPOL is one of transformation – leveraging technology, fostering inclusivity, and enhancing global police cooperation to combat transnational crime more effectively.

He says the call for change within INTERPOL’s leadership is not merely about geographical diversity but is about injecting new ideas, perspectives, and strategies into the organisation which was established on September 7, 1923, in Vienna, Austria.

INTERPOL’s membership has grown steadily since its creation. From the original 20 founding members in 1923, it now has 196 member countries to transform into global network of police.

“It is about acknowledging that the fight against crime in the 21st century requires a deep understanding of its global dynamics, which cannot be fully grasped from a singular viewpoint,” Nawa, whose nomination signals a readiness among INTERPOL’s member countries to broaden the organisation’s leadership landscape, moving beyond traditional power structures to embrace a truly international representation, says.

He says this moment presents an opportunity for INTERPOL to redefine its path forward, to evolve from its current state and emerge stronger, more adaptable, and truly representative of the international community it serves.

He says by considering leaders like him, INTERPOL can ensure its sustainability and credibility, reflecting the real interests of a global organisation dedicated to the safety and security of all nations.

“The urgency of this transformation cannot be overstated. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the nature of crime becomes ever more complex and borderless. INTERPOL’s ability to lead the global fight against crime hinges on its capacity to adapt and to reflect the diverse experiences and knowledge of its member countries,” Nawa says.

Zambia’s nomination of a highly accomplished law enforcement leader for Secretary General is viewed as a critical shift towards a more inclusive, dynamic, and effective international police cooperation.

In endorsing Nawa’s candidacy, member countries have the chance to ignite a new era for INTERPOL—one that embraces change, values diversity, and is equipped to tackle the challenges of global crime with renewed vigor and a broader perspective.

“The time has come for INTERPOL to break away from the stagnation of “more of the same” and step boldly into a future where it represents the interests of the whole world, not just a privileged few. This is about ensuring that INTERPOL remains the cornerstone of international law enforcement cooperation, ready to face the realities of crime in the 21st century with a leadership that is as diverse and dynamic as the communities it seeks to protect,” Nawa says……/mubita-nawas-candidacy-a-call…/

By Benedict Tembo



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