
Says the Head of State will not risk people’s lives just to retain to State House.

His Excellency President Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s Campaign Manager Samuel Ng’onga Mukupa says the nation will be informed on July 8 the resumption of campaigns by the Head of State.

But Mr Mukupa made it clear that the Head of State will mainly use different media platforms to reach out to the people.

Mr Mukupa says His Excellency President Dr Lungu will heed to the directive by health authorities to avoid crowds when campaigning ahead of August 12 general elections.

In an exclusive interview today, the Presidential Campaign Manager noted that the pandemic has continued increasing in the country, therefore, campaigns with crowds must be avoided at all cost.

Mr Mukupa says media platforms will be the safest way to reach out to the people during this period.

“And as he will be inspecting Government projects across the country he will be able to talk to the people.

The Head of State will be able to sell himself and the entire party. People will be able to listen from different media platforms and this will be the easiest way,” he says.

Mr Mukupa says “Risking people’s lives is the last thing President Dr Edgar Lungu can do.

“People are dying each and every day. If you visit UTH,Levy Mwanawasa Hospital, morturies are full. So to avoid further loss of lives we shall avoid crowds.

When people die then he will have no one to look after when elected into office come August. So all these things are being looked into,” Mr Mukupa says.

He also says His Excellency President Dr Lungu will utilise door to door campaigns in order to engage the people.

Mr Mukupa says door to door campaigns will also help to roll out the message.


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