Lusaka, Sunday 5th March 2023

Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Brian Mundubile has condemned the issuance of restriction notices by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on properties belonging to Citizens First President Harry Kalaba and PF Presidential Candidate, Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba.

Mr. Mundubile who is also Patriotic Front- PF Presidential Candidate said it was in public domain that Mr. Kalaba and Ambassador Mwamba, worked for government for a long time.

He said it was unfortunate that Mr Kalaba and Mr Mwamba were being mistreated when it was a known fact that they were in gainful employment for a long time , which made it possible for them to acquire property through legitimate means.

“Last week, Friday, President Hakainde Hichilema came to Parliament to deliver a speech rendering a report on the progress that has been made in the Application of National Values and Principles as required by the Laws of Zambia. We would have expected that the President would see to it that National Values and Principles continue to be implemented,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said there was need for the UPND administration to respect the Republican Constitution, enshrined under Article 8, which elevated human rights, human dignity, and non discrimination.

“What we have seen in the recent past and specifically the restriction of houses belonging to PF Presidential hopeful Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba and Citizens First President Harry Kalaba is unfortunate in Zambia’s Constitutional Democracy. We have a situation now where one would feel that there are two sets of laws that are being implemented,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said while it was proper for some members of society to own property, it seemed to be a crime for other citizens to own property.

“The property that has been restricted has nothing special about it because it can be owned by ordinary Zambians. If Law Enforcement Agencies are suggesting that people that have been Ministers of Zambia before cannot even own properties that have just houses on them, then it is most unfortunate. In implementing National Values and Principles, let us stick to non discrimination, respect for human rights and respect for human dignity,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said the right to property is guaranteed in the Republican Constitution adding that if the Zambia that the people fought for in 2021 was to allow a selected few to own property, then it was unfortunate.

“I therefore, wish to appeal to His Excellency, The President Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, to see to it that he improves the living standards of an average Zambian,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said the President should believe in the Zambian people and accept that citizens could work hard, create their own wealth and own property.

“What is happening right now, I am afraid in the next few years, we may only have a Zambia where there are only poor people. Because out of fear, Zambians are now discouraged to create their own wealth through developing property which is most unfortunate,” he said.


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