Mundubile Shocked USA Vice-president Kamala Harris Shunned Visiting Former President Edgar Lungu

Brian Mundubile


By Smart Eagles 🦅

Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Brian Mundubile says it was a blunder for United States (US) Vice-President Kamala Harris to shun paying a courtesy call on Father of the Nation and only existing former President Edgar Lungu.

Mr. Mundubile who is also PF Presidential Candidate said President Lungu must have been high on the agenda because Zambia’s democratic credentials were heightened when he handed over power in a smooth transition to the UPND Administration.

He said the US Second in command should be aware that President Lungu’s record of uniting Zambia through infrastructure development saw him construct roads, airports, fly over bridges , which changed the face of the country.

Mr. Mundubile said it was standard practice that visiting Heads of State or their Vice-Presidents meet incumbent President, visit former Presidents, visit the Speaker and lay wreaths on former Presidents graves.

He said Ms. Harris did everything except visiting President Lungu, which was a diplomatic blunder.

“We had two important events being the visit by the USA Vice-President Kamala Harris and hosting the Summit on Democracy,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said seeing that America was pushing the agenda of Democracy in Africa, one would have expected Ms. Harris to pay a courtesy call on leaders, such as President Lungu.

“In a bid to preach democracy and be able to learn from the experiences we have had during this time and be able to communicate best practices in democracy, there was need for interaction with our leaders. Many of us feel that Madam Harris should have taken time to visit President Lungu being the only and immediate past President. The democratic credentials for Zambia went up when President Lungu handed over power to the now UPND government, smoothly. That is the reason why she should have had him high on the agenda to ensure that there is constant communication between the office of the former President and Office of the Republican President,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said President Lungu did not only hand over power smoothly but did a lot for the country which every Zambian should appreciate.

“Visitors would like to know that, they should come to learn that we had one former President who did a lot,” he said.

He said Ms. Harris landed at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport which has modern infrastructure built by President Lungu with support from countries like China.

“Democracy Summit was held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre which has a modern facility lobbied for by President Lungu,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said Ms. Harris drove on roads and fly over bridges which were built by President Lungu with support from countries like India.

“President Lungu is, therefore, not an ordinary person that would easily be ignored,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said organizers of the US Vice-President’s events should have been fair to her to pay a visit to President Lungu and appreciate him for the efforts he made to ensure that the democratic credentials remained high and that the development of Zambia was taken to another level.


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