Munir Zulu is suffering now because of his brother ‘Kaizascariot’ says Diffikoti

PICTURE: Controversial Lumezi MP Munir Zulu goes in police cells for one week

Munir Zulu is suffering now because of his brother says Diffikoti!

Politician Thomas Siaplo aka Diffikoti wrote;


The worst betrayal is willingly signing a police bond or bail for someone you consider a friend or family then they run away leaving you in trouble as a surety…

I never expected such behavior to come from a grown up man like KZ,mulandu siuola one day he will need someone to bail him out and no one will be willing to be a surety kaili he has shown his true colors.

To bad for Munir Zulu that he is suffering because he wanted to show some brotherly love to some who had parallel feelings towards him.

Thomas Sipalo,
Komboni President.


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