Mwango Sata Put to Rest

By Nathan Chanda

My heartfelt condolences to the Sata family on the loss of Mwango Chilufya Sata whom we put to rest today 14th April 2022 at Nkana East Memorial Park Kitwe.

May God strengthen the bereaved family, the party and friends during this difficult period.

Late Mwango Sata was our fomer Councillor for Ipusukilo ward in Kwacha Constituency and served as District PF Treasure up until time of death.

He was a committed and dedicated humble member who served our party diligently.

On behalf of the PF Party on the Copperbelt and indeed on my own behalf just want to send my deepest sympathy to your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during this trying moment.

We shall surely miss him.



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