My Last and Final advice To UPND with regards to Prophet Seer1- Barbrah Chama


My Last and Final advice To UPND with regards to Prophet Seer1

Acknowledge Seer 1’s influence and reach out to him before it is too late. Before you pay people to insult him in blogs and social media platforms appreciate the fact that he interacts with many Zambians of different tribe, class, rank, and profile etc

The first step is for the UPND leadership must take to resolve this issues is to acknowledge that Seer 1 is an influential figure with a large following. This is not to say that they have to agree with everything he says including his Spiritual standing, but they should recognize that he has a platform and that his words carry weight. He has capacity to create serious perception which a lot of opposition leaders will ride on.

Address Seer 1’s concerns head-on.

Once the UPND leadership has engaged with Seer 1 and understood his concerns, they should listen to his concerns and acknowledge the fact that he could also be a mouth piece for many dissatisfied UPND members that have no courage to talk. Act on his concerns promptly.

Additional advice:

The UPND leadership should avoid getting into a public war of words with Seer 1. This will only give him more attention and make it more difficult to have a constructive dialogue.
The UPND leadership should focus on delivering on their campaign promises and improving the lives of Zambians. Again look into the plight of very people that have been appealing to Seer 1 for help. This is the best way to counter Seer 1’s criticisms and win the support of the people.

It is important to note that there is no guarantee that the UPND leadership will be able to “win over” Seer 1. He is a strong-willed individual with his own agenda. However, by following the advice above, the UPND leadership can minimize the damage that he can do and ensure that their message is heard.

Barbrah Chama


  1. Barbra, you ladies are easily cheated by Papas and all forms of medicine men, no wonder you are easily taken advantage of by such people try to look at issues with a normal mind, not with brainless obidiance the way you do to papas, convince yourselves that you are able to think

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