Minister of Infrastructure, Urban and Housing Charles Milupi says he has built a spotless reputation free of any negative feedback and scandals related to him.

This follows a Press Briefing held by Lumezi Independent Member of Parliament, Munir Zulu, where he alleged that Mr Milupi received 250-thousand dollars from a named company.

Other allegations made by Mr. Zulu are that Mr. Milupi had been appearing before the Anti-Corruption Commission -ACC- for the past two weeks and that he further received 150 million US dollars two days before the appointment of the Road development Agency Board Chairperson.

Speaking last evening when he featured on an exclusive edition of COSTA Program on Diamond TV, Mr. Milupi said that the allegations made against him are very serious and alarming because he has built a good reputation over many years.

Mr Milupi said his good reputation is evident both in the cooperate and and political areas. He cited his reign as chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament in 2006.

He said that he elevated the the public accounts committee to the level where it is currently operating.

Mr Milupi charged that to repair the damage caused to his reputation, something has to be done. He said that Mr. Zulu will have to prove the allegations made against him in the courts of law.

Mr. Milupi wondered how the board chairperson could pay him such huge amount of money when his allowances are far below that amount.

The infrastructure development Minister said the appointment of board chairpersons undergo many channels and a single person like a Minister cannot appoint an individual.


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