Nakacinda lodges complaint against Miles, Ng’ona for perjury and other offences


Nakacinda lodges complaint against Miles, Ng’ona for perjury and other offences

ALEBWELELAPO project coordinator Raphael Nakacinda has continued to camp at the Courts as he tries every trick in the book to dislodge PF president Miles Sampa from his seat of authority, this time around by lodging a complaint against him.

Nakacinda has filed a complaint against Sampa and his Secretary General Morgan Ng’ona before the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court and wants the to be tried for perjury, attempts to commit an offense and forgery.

Allegations in count one and two are that Sampa on October 26, this year filed an affidavit in the principal registry of the Lusaka High Court purporting that he was President of the PF and a letter purpoted to have been issued to the Registrar of Societies which he claims was issued by the PF secretary general when infact not.

In count three it is alleged that Sampa and Ng’ona on October 25, 2023 attempted to change office bearers at the Registrar of Societies by presenting a list names when they had no authority to do so.

In count four the duo on the same date alleged to have made a false document tamed minutes of the extraordinary general conference held on October 24, 2023 purporting that it was issued by PF when in fact not.

In his complaint Nakacinda said that Sampa held an illegal convention at Mulungushi International Conference Center on October 24, 2023.

He claimed that Sampa and Ng’ona submitted purpoted minutes on a forged letter head at the Registrar of Societies requesting to change the office bearers of PF.

Nakacinda indicated that Ng’ona signed the letter purporting that it was an original headed paper from his office of secretary general yet it was fake.

He alleged that Ng’ona is not on the list of office bearers for the party that have been submitted to the Registrar of Societies.

Nakacinda said Sampa was illegaly instated as the Captain of their boat and he has gone round posing as president.

He accused Sampa of defaming him and others who hailed from the MMD by labelling them as hijackers, thieves and fraudsters which has lowered their image in the right thinking members of society.

The binoculars carrying politician added that Sampa and his successor Ng’ona have committed perjury, impersonation, forgery and attempts to commit an offence when they lodged documents at the Registrar of Societies to change office bearers of the party and ought to be prosecuted.

When the case was called before magistrate Keegan Litiya yesterday Sampa and Ng’ona were not before Court.

Lawyer Jonas Zimba who has been engaged to privately prosecute the duo said the two were notified of the proceedings yet it was not before Court.

He said having instituted the case by way of complaint he had written to the Director of Public Prosecutions Gilbert Phiri requesting for authorization to privately prosecute the two.

Zimba requested for an adjournment to December 6 for mention and possible plea.

By Mwaka Ndawa



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