NAQEZ Executive Director, Aaron Chansa

The National Action for Quality Education in Zambia( NAQEZ) through its Executive Director Aron Chansa has expressed happiness that Republican President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu,has assented to the idea of swapping debts for Teachers and public service workers.This is what Teachers have been waiting for .

Mr Chansa says recently, NAQEZ revealed that more than 90% of Government Teachers are heavily indebted which resulted in an appeal for quick interventions because the debt situation among Teachers is desperate and is terribly affecting teaching in schools.

“While we warmly welcome this debt swap,we would like it to be coupled with impartation of financial literacy and debt management skills to teachers .This will enable them make economically good decisions in future and avoid getting into too much debt again”. Mr. Chansa says.

Mr. Chansa explains that as a way of contributing to a teaching fraternity free of debt , NAQEZ and partners will be hosting a national conference on 10th September, 2021, to extensively discuss financial literacy and debt management for Teachers.

He says among the key stakeholders at the conference will include Government,Banks ,Micro lending institutions, Teacher Unions ,the media , Teacher Associations and Civil Society Organizations.


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