Nato foreign ministers to hold fresh talks to support Ukraine
Nato foreign ministers will gather in Brussels later for two days of talks on how best to support Ukraine in the next phase of the conflict.

Nato’s Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, has said the alliance expects that Moscow will try to capture the “entire” Donbas region in the east, with the aim of creating a land corridor from Russia to annexed Crimea. But he continues to insist that no Nato troops or planes will be sent to fight in Ukraine.

The US and EU are set to impose additional sanctions on Russia today amid allegations of war crimes in the Ukrainian town of Bucha. Images of mass graves and bodies of civilians reportedly executed in the Kyiv suburb have shocked the world.

Washington says it’ll ban new investment in Russia and place further sanctions on Russian financial institutions. It is reportedly considering measures targeting Putin’s two daughters and Russia’s largest bank.


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