Police have detained Forum for Democracy and Development -FDD- Leader EDITH NAWAKWI for seditious practices.

Ms. NAWAKWI is detained at Chelstone Police Station.

Police Spokesperson RAE HAMOONGA has confirmed the development to ZNBC News in a telephone interview.

Mr. HAMOONGA said Ms. NAWAKWI was picked up from her home by Police before being detained.

POLICE STATEMENT: Detention of Ms. Edith Nawakwi for Seditious Practices

May 28, 2024

The Zambia Police Service in Lusaka has today, May 28, 2024, recorded a warn and caution statement from Ms. Edith Nawakwi. She has been detained for the offence of seditious practices contrary to Section 57, 1 (a) and (b) as read with Section 60 (b) and (e) of the Penal Code Act, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Ms. Nawakwi is currently in police custody. The offence of seditious practices is a serious matter as it involves actions intended to incite rebellion against the authority of the state. The Zambia Police Service is committed to maintaining law and order, and we take all necessary measures to address actions that threaten national security and public order.

Ms. Nawakwi will appear in court soon to face the charges brought against her.
We urge the public to remain calm and refrain from making statements that could lead to unrest or speculation. The Zambia Police Service will continue to carry out its duties impartially and with integrity to ensure that justice is served.

Rae Hamoonga


    • I told you! You are now in a mature police state. Continue praising the boss to avoid imprisonment or disappearance!

  1. Edith Nawakwi faces a simple choice. Give the state the evidence and she walks to freedom. All the best, Edith.

  2. This is not necessary at all. We did not vote for him to be harassing citizens. We did not vote for him to fix by doubling cost of living, doubling load shedding, doubling Kwacha depreciation, more than doubling price of fuel, more than doubling price of mealie meal. No we did not for any of this nonsense.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Indigo Tyrol you’re a foolish supporter of Defunct TuPF crimminals and very soon we will squeeze your b…s
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

    • You never voted for him and will never do that because he’s not your favourite. Your favourite is your a criminal lazy family that possibly provide free handout for you to enjoy. Only hard patriotic zambians are supporters of HH.

  3. The nonsense is you together with your PF criminals. You are gone forever no matter what you say.
    In 2026 it’s HH again till 2031. Mwalalila you criminals!

  4. Please dont release her, shes just a problem. She is just busy making noise and confusion in Lusaka without doing a development in Nakonde. What a wasted outdated polity. The should be applied on her behaviour

  5. Zambia is a country of Laws and not of President Dr HH!
    If people think freedom means doing anything or saying anything without due regard for the Law, this is how they will end up!
    It’s even long overdue for Nawakwi!
    Let her now take this opportunity to substantiate her many wild claims in court!

  6. Hakainde was in Luanshya today… I Watched as his motorcade passed through the Central Business District, waving at people, and no one, absolutely no one was waving back. And the UPND thugs and Tribal Zealots were hiding…no UPND regalia in town. Just saw 2 Tonga women… speaking Tonga , in UPND attire. The whole town, just 2 women in UPND regalia.
    How Hakainde has fallen from grace!
    And so Nawakwi is detained! Munir Zulu..Jean Chisenga too…for what ba Hakainde?
    It’s things fall apart!


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