As revealed by our party spokesperson that PF can’t account for the money being thrown around because it’s satanic money, we are not surprised at the behavior of FDD leader who has been possessed by this money from the kingdom of darkness. Nawakwi needs exorcism not criticism. She needs our prayers.

We have seen the Patriotic Front (PF) ditching out huge amounts of money at the time when the central bank has no money. At the time when our country is failing to pay it’s debts due to depleted country’s reserves, we are seeing PF cadres sleeping on huge amounts of money. This money is not from the Central Bank, it can’t be accounted for because it’s has been acquired through Satanism. The PF is very desperate to win the elections to the point of acquiring satanic money to bribe people. We urge Christians in the country not be comfortable when such things are happening. We applaud the Catholic Church for refusing accept such type of money though the church was polite enough not to mention that they refused because it’s satanic money.

We urge our citizens not to accept this demonic money because it will bring misery and suffering in their lives. Nothing that comes from the devil can benefit you, only blessings from God in heaven are genuine. Because the money is possessed by evil spirits all those who accept it become possessed just Nawakwi has been possessed and she’s now moving around like a mad woman destroying people’s lives. The lives of the Hatembos is being destroyed under our watch. I urge all well meaning women to listen to the cry Pheluna Hatembo who is being troubled by Nawakwi.

Stay away from satanic money. Real money comes through hard work.

*Cindy Kauka*
Deputy National Youth Chairperson – UPND


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