Confusion has rocked members of the National Democratic Congress in Luanshya District leading to defections to the ruling Patriotic Front.

Most members from Roan Constituency tell Diamond News that since former leader Dr. Chishimba Kambwili has left the opposition party it will not survive hence the resolve of many to follow him to the PF.

Dackson Miti says it is pointless to be in the NDC when its former President ditched it, a clear indication that the party has lost its relevance in an area that had given it the first Member of Parliament.

The sentiments were made when many defected to PF saying it was obvious that one day Dr. Kambwili would return to a party he once belonged to and hence they doubt NDC will survive the internal wrangles that have rocked it over the alliance with UPND ahead of the August 12 general election.-Diamond TV


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