Nkombo Defends Highlighting Previous Government’s Wrongs


Minister of Local Government Gary Nkombo has stressed that people should not be offended when UPND Government officials highlight the ills committed by the previous Patriotic Front (PF) regime.

Mr. Nkombo acknowledged that some people have been condemning the New Dawn Government for constantly referring to wrongs allegedly committed by officials in the PF Government.

The Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament emphasised that wrong doings must be talked about regardless of whom and when they were committed.

Mr. Nkombo went on to say that PF gave a bad name to cadrerism.

He said cadrerism witnessed during the PF regime was the worst compared to the one seen during the UNIP and MMD regimes.

Mr. Nkombo said cadrerism in PF was intimidating not only to civilians but members of the defence force.

“I want to state that we are coming from a very difficult past and please don’t take offence because you can’t change history. The issue of cadres started a very long time ago,” he said in Ndola when opening the New Kapalala Market.

“The word cadre is not an insult because we are all cadres. There came a time when the name cadre changed, the cadre became associated with intimidation, violence and segregation. Everybody was living in fear,” Mr. Nkombo said.

He warned UPND members against cadrerism especially in markets and bus stations.

Mr. Nkombo said UPND members should find other means of earning a living as opposed to underhand means such as cadrerism in markets or bus stations.


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