Senior Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo


SENIOR Chieftainess Nkomesha Mukamabo II of the Soli people in Chongwe has sued the State demanding that soldiers who forcefully encroached on her land surrender it back.

The traditional leader further seeks an order that the affected families who were on the land be compensated for loss of their Houses and Property in the sum of K20, 000, 000.

Further, the chief seeks damages for Stress, Mental Anguish and Inconvenience worth K5million plus Interest and Costs.

In a statement of claim before the Lusaka High Court, the Chieftainess is the first plaintiff while Moses Manjeleka and Chuma Mwanza are second and their plainitffs who have sued the Attorney General and an unknown persons as first and second respondents.

The chief submits that the Attorney General has been sued as a Legal Representative acting on behalf of the State.

She submits that unknown persons have constantly been going to her village.

“Sometime in June, 2023 the Plaintiff’s Headman Mwalukanga within the Busoli Chiefdom was visited by Two Motor Vehicles full of Soldiers and they asked to be given some land where they could train in preparation for their Peace Keeping outreach program and the said training program was scheduled to last for two Weeks and were given permission accordingly,” the document reads.

She says however, that the Plaintiff’s dismay, the soldiers refused to leave continued training and consequently started placing beacons and demarcating the land for Construction of Household Units and other Projects.

“As if the above is not enough, the soldiers brought in the graders into the area and also began to displace and demolish the resident’s houses without any Court Order whatsoever.

“They have deployed soldiers who have surrounded the said area with guns in an attempt to scare the local residents and grab the land by force through illegal means,” the document reads.

The Chief complains that the soldiers act is illegal and an affront to the Principals of Natural Justice in that they do not have a right to summarily enter the Plaintiffs and forcely grab Land under the guise that they were using same for training.

“Over 15 Houses have so far been demolished by the said Soldiers and have instructed unknown persons to Construct Houses on the said Land without any due regard to the established Laws in this Jurisdiction.

“Despite a demand Letter served on their Legal Representative the Defendant have continued to evict, demolish and build on the said Land. The plaintiff now prays that for an order that the said Military personnel (Soldiers) unconditionally surrender back Possession of forcefully encroached Land to the Plaintiff”.

(Credit:- Mwebantu)


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