No load shedding expected as ZESCO adopts strategic measures


No load shedding expected as Zesco adopts strategic measures

RESPONDING to the challenges posed by changing rainfall patterns recently, Zambia’s power utility, Zesco has assured the public that there won’t be any load shedding due to insufficient rainfall.

Zesco’s managing director, Victor Mapani, highlighted the proactive measures the company is taking to manage its water resources effectively.

Mapani explained that by optimizing the Kafue Gorge Hydroelectric power station and relieving pressure on the Kariba North Hydro Power Station, they successfully conserved water in the Kariba Dam.

Addressing the shared nature of the Kariba Dam, Mapani noted, “Last year, our colleagues used a little bit more water than allocated. This year, we have been very firm in ensuring each company uses its specified amount.”

ZESCO has initiated regular meetings with neighboring countries, particularly Zimbabwe, to coordinate water usage from shared resources.

The company aims to balance power generation by reducing output during periods of excess water and importing off-peak power from Mozambique, ensuring sustainable power generation throughout the year.

Mapani emphasized, “We have 28 days of water saving in the country. All things being equal, we should be able to glide through up to the end of the year.”

Regarding potential power cuts, Mapani clarified that they are likely due to maintenance work. He revealed an ongoing initiative to replace over 85,000 rotten poles, stating that the company had already commenced this essential task.

Looking ahead, Mapani outlined plans to transition to concrete poles, which are three times more expensive but have a longer lifespan. This transition will occur gradually to allow more connections through wooden poles.

Mapani encouraged individuals and businesses to consider establishing a concrete poles factory in partnership with the utility. This collaborative effort could provide a sustainable source of materials for ZESCO’s infrastructure projects.

By Moses Makwaya



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