By: Peter Chola Mwanalesa

Former National Democratic Congress (NDC) President Chishimba Kambwili has rejoined the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) emphasising that no opposition party can remove PF from power.

Mr. Kambwili said he would pay total allegiance to PF and Republican President Edgar Lungu who was elected by the party, stressing that he would remain an ordinary member of the PF.

He said the PF had delivered most of the promises including Mazabuka Road which was a talk of the day.

Mr. Kambwili said the agenda of some opposition political parties did not mean well because they wanted to destroy a country they desired to rule.

He said it was sad that an opposition party could sponsor a Minister of another country to initiate a smear campaign against Zambia, a country they wanted to rule.

Mr. Kambwili defected together with his son Mwamba who also pledged total loyalty to the PF in Roan Constituency where he was Aspiring Candidate on NDC.

And PF National Chairperson Samuel Ng’onga Mukupa said he was welcoming Mr. Kambwili back to the PF on behalf of PF and Republican President Edgar Lungu and the PF Central Committee.

Mr. Mukupa said Mr. Kambwili would hit the ground running immediately including harmonizing youthful factions because President Lungu was humble and peaceful which made him the most attractive to rule Zambia.

Meanwhile, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said Mr. Kambwili took the right decision to rejoin PF as he was a founder member of the party.

Mr. Mwila said President Lungu directed PF Secretariat to bring back all members that left the party adding that more will rejoin soon.

He said the PF will give Mr. Kambwili a special role to mobilize members ahead of the general election as all members will be treated equally.

At the same function, PF Lusaka Provincial Chairman Kennedy Kamba called for embracing all through reconciliation inthe interest of growing numbers.


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