Police IG Kanganja


The Inspector General of Police,
Zambia Police
Police Headquarters,
Lusaka, Zambia

Today, 2020

Dear I. G.

RE: Notice to Hold an e-protest Tomorrow

I write to notify you of my intention to protest against President Chagwa Lungu should he fail to represent me as a citizen by congratulating the opposition in Malawi for emphatically winning the election and unseating the incumbent president of that country. President Lungu must also travel to Malawi for the inauguration of President-elect Chakwera to represent me at this momentous occasion.

Should President Lungu fail to perform both tasks, l will protest in the bush. As you know, Mr Inspector General, the president has absolutely no reason to fail to travel. He procured an expensive gulf stream plane for this sort of travel, has reopened the country’s airports to air travel, and loves flying.

Any failure by President Chagwa to not only congratulate the opposition but also travel to Malawi to really make sure that the incumbent was defeated would be incompatible with his behaviour and constitutional mandate to represent the Republic of Zambia at international gatherings of this nature.

I demand that the president must congratulate the opposition for winning power in Malawi immediately. What is he waiting for? He is usually prompt at these things, even for countries far away. Malawi is our neighbour, for God’s sake, Mr Inspector. The Bible says love your neighbour as you love yourself. As a Christian nation, we are violating the scriptures by not showing love to our neighbouring country by congratulating the opposition for defeating a president who did not listen to the people. I refuse to be part of this unGodly behaviour and demand that the president be compelled to travel to Malawi for the inauguration even if he is not invited to comply with the law of God.

To quote the president, “l refuse to be part of this. Mfwiti Mfwiti, Mfwiti Mfwiti, kuti? Aah”

Yours in national service,
Sishuwa Sishuwa

cc: Disgruntled Youths
The Catholic Bishops
Rev. Godfridah Sumaili
President Lungu


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