AN Assistant Intelligence Officer from the Office of the President in Choma has been charged and arrested for assaulting an Officer in Charge at Shampande Police Post.

Mphaso Miti aged 25, is said to have assaulted Bristol Choongo, 52, who sustained a painful knee after being kicked following a brawl at the Police Post.

Southern Province Commissioner of Police, Auxensio Daka, explains that on 27th November, 2023, around 02:00 hours, Miti, in the company of another person, stormed Shampande Police Post around 02:00 hours.

He says the duo introduced themselves as officers from the Zambia Army and demanded for the release of a suspect, Candy Mulalu, who was detained for alleged assault.

Daka states that after intense pressure from the duo, Constable Demian Kalenga who was on duty called Choongo to intervene, with the Inspector rushing to the Police.

Upon arrival, Choongo informed Miti and the other person that it was not possible to release Mulalu on bond since it was night time, which prompted the Intelligence Officer to cross over the inquiries counter.

Daka says upon realizing that the two where Officers from the Zambia Army, Choongo grabbed a gun from Kalenga and went outside for security reasons while phoning the officer in charge at Choma Central Police.

He notes that while on phone, the duo followed Choongo and disturbed his call, prompting him to go back to the Inquiry’s Office, where he was pushed and kicked on his left leg by Miti.

Daka explains that when Choongo fell down, Miti squeezed his neck and dragged him to his car where he pushed him inside, then drove off to Choma Police Station where they met the Officer in Charge who spoke to both parties and calmed the situation.

Miti was then charged and arrested for the offence of Assault on Police and has since been released on Police bond to appear on court on 6th December, 2023.
Credit: Byta FM Zambia


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