Sikaile Sikaile


Dear UPND Government Officials, Ministers, Directors, PS, MPs, and DCs,Council Chairmen, Mayors,

I want to remind you all that you hold your positions because of HH, whom you have now left vulnerable to attacks from criminals. Some of you have become liabilities.

Many of you are preoccupied with the benefits of your positions and have abandoned HH, leaving him to be targeted and accused like a criminal. He entrusted you with these roles to assist him in serving the people of Zambia and to be vigilant.

You have allowed him to be accused of various wrongdoings, leaving him to face baseless attacks from any Jim and Jack. Zambia can not be developed by one man; it requires the collective effort of various institutions.

Misguided individuals are making reckless statements that threaten national security, and you remain silent. Perhaps it is because some of you are accustomed to moving from one government to another. But think about the lives of ordinary citizens that some of these minions are putting at risk. Some people who destroyed our nation are conveying meetings to divide the country, and you are comfortable in those offices.

It is time for you to step up and support the president amidst these unwarranted attacks that aim to tarnish his name despite all his efforts to unite and develop Zambia. Without him being where he is, you can not be in those positions. Think about it.

It doesn’t need rocket science to deduce what’s going on. Remember Edgar Lungu’s post on “Why me” and Mwansa, who are facing tribal related charges in southern probince. If you get Edgar Lungu’s statement and listen to what that lady MP and Munir Zulu are saying. It is easy to tell why JJ Banda is missing and his case is being used for politics.

It is the battle against corruption. The idea is to bring the Easterners in the fight against the government so as to derail the corruption fight. Since the officials from the East were not much involved in the plander of national resources. The only way to bring the East in is through the purported abduction.

The chorus in the opposition UKA party from Edgar Lungu’s hymn book is too loud. UPND, please join the singing. Protect your president at all cost. JJ Banda’s disappearance is being used to turn East and North against South, but one thing we must remember as Zambians is that these criminals were not stealing for a particular tribe. They stole for themselves and their immediate families and we need to unite and fight this syndicate as one Zambia one people.Edgar Lungu and group have exposed themselves. From the machinations, it is easy, going by public statements issued so far. This whole episode is designed to benefit Edgar Lungu politically, like I once said Lungu’s survival is on violence even in government and this is the game here. That’s the motivation for this crime. I only hope they don’t kill him like they did when in power. We want JJ Banda back in good health.


Concerned citizen


  1. Our president needs maximum protection. His life is in danger as we have dangerous people out there. Let us shield him physically and not allow all the riff raff to utter scorn and disdain on him. God bless HH.

  2. HH has been very loyal to his appointees, even the many who were appointed not best on intelligence, knowledge, competence but on loyalty and the work they did for the party. Now since being appointed, what loyalty, are you showing to your leader? What positive contribution are you making to the country? The person who appointed you should not be in the firing line on his own. Mud sticks, keeping quiet all the time is not sensible. Why do you leave it to us on the outside to defend the president and the government? Some of us will praise and criticise because we believe in dealing with right and wrong.

  3. Well spoken Sikaile as usual. You’re the only one that is still making sense in the UPND.
    However, the problem that most supporters of the party are facing is something the president says publicly! He tells his faithful that ushered him into office that “they are on their own”. So how do you expect his appointees to protect or defend him when at the end of the day the president won’t stand with them?
    Even the Youth Wing Leaders like liswaniso are confused and don’t know what to do. That’s why Milupi instructed Mosquito to protect the president but how can the youth do that without support.
    The UPND leadership or even HH himself needs to come clean on this one. If he wants the support, well and good and if he doesn’t well and good also but he can’t have it both ways.
    Very soon he will need these supporters anyway because he cant vote for himself alone. Politics always needs numbers. The UPND leaders inckuding you Sikaile need to wake up to these realities.

    • There needs to be clarity on “being on their own ” being on their own, should be on criminality, especially corruption and misuse of public funds. Defending the party, especially on unfounded allegations should be the least they can do based on the responsibilities and privileges they have been given. The level of muteness and I use the word muteness provocatively, because it is a rude word, is beyond reason.

  4. You’re not making sense sir! What do you want the appointees to do when it’s HH threatening them that they are on their own when they try to defend him? That poor policeman in Kabwe was left on his own when he tried to defend Govt. Please, learn to say things that make sense. Let HH defend himself because that’s what he wants and preaches. People are literally confused by his own messages so why should they risk their lives?

    • I agree with you on the policeman, he should have been protected. This is not just about HH alone though, if his opponents and those of the government get their way, I believe those of us who just desire equity, fairness, justice and a Zambia where we live in peace and unity will also lose out. Going back to the tribalism, corruption, lawlessness of the past frightens me.

  5. I agree with you on the policeman, he should have been protected. This is not just about HH alone though, if his opponents and those of the government get their way, I believe those of us who just desire equity, fairness, justice and a Zambia where we live in peace and unity will also lose out. Going back to the tribalism, corruption, lawlessness of the past frightens me. I just wish we had more of you and Sikailes, who still will voice out, regardless of “being on your own”

  6. Be like you, voice out because being appointed by HH or being told “you will be on your own” does not define these people. If they could defy PF, why can’t they defy HH.
    Honestly why can’t they be ad brave as you? I read a lot of what you write, whether I agree with you or not on some issues or the tone you use, I respect you a lot, you say your mind, that is courage.

  7. Why, why are Zambezi people hate themselves so much? Listen, you can govern Zambia and you can take on issue based politics with your opponents. Instead you are wallowing in insecurity and self defence postures and blame games for past ills and making these as justification for failure to perform!!! What a pity Sikaile Sikaile continues on the crash course trajectory for his party!!! Of course there’s the rigging of elections option in 2026, courtesy of the HaECZ, the Gestpo, Police and the courts !!!


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