Over 5 boys have been sodomised by senior boys at a Muslim school in Chongwe



By Flavior Kanungo
FIVE male pupils of Islamic Education Trust of Zambia School (Daruloom) are allegedly to have been sexually abused by three fellow older male pupils Contrary to Section 155 of the Penal Code Act Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said Chelston Police Station received a report today at 11:00 hours of Unnatural Offence (Sodomy) from Kassim Tembo aged 40 a Religious teacher at Islamic Education Trust of Zambia School (Daruloom) residing at plot number 34 Islamic School who reported on behalf of five male pupils.

This is alleged to have occurred between February 2020 and September 2022 at the Islamic Education Trust of Zambia Lusaka.

Mr Hamoonga said one of victims is aged 11 and the other four are all aged 12 whilst the three accused persons are all said to be aged 16.

Brief facts of the matter are that one of the victims who is aged 11 called his mother to report the matter to the police after which the mother together with the school authorities reported the matter at Chelston Police Station.
He said upon being interviewed the 11 year old victim disclosed that he was not the only victim. He then mentioned the other four victims who also confirmed the incident.
“Medical Report forms have been issued to all the five victims, dockets of cases have been opened and the three accused have been apprehended while investigations into the matter have been instituted,” Mr Hamoonga


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