Pentecostal Assemblies of GOD Condemns Gay March


Pentecostal Assemblies of GOD Condemns Gay March

Lusaka- Monday, 6th March 2023

Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAOGZ) General General Secretary, Rev Brian Bwalya has condemned the protest match that took place on Saturday in which a gay agenda was revealed.

He stated that it was highly deceitful for the organizers to purport that the march was about a different cause but allow it be hijacked by gay activists and elements.

Rev. Bwalya said the organisers had a duty to ensure that the purpose of the march was not lost of hijacked as disclosed by the parameters of the Police Permit.

He also expressed shock that the match was supervised and policed by the Zambia Police officers who allowed it to descend into illegalities.

Rev. Bwalya wondered why the Police did not stop the march after it descended into misconduct and vulgar language being sung and the display of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer (LGBTQ) material.

Below are the main demands by the PAOGZ.

● Government must state its official and defnitive position on the LGBTQ Agenda.

● How did the Police allow the LGBTQ protest to take place?

● Why did the Police allow LGBTQ colours and vulgar language to be used in their presence?

● there is an attempt to test the waters to decriminalize homosexuality. It’s time for Government to tighten laws that to prohibit homosexuality.

● Sad to note that since August 2021, gay rights activistism had increased without restraint.

● Zambia remains a Christian Nation and the sanctity of national values must not be lost or perverted.


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