Peter Chazya Sinkamba

By Chileshe Mwango

Green party leader Peter Sinkamba has reiterated his call on the government to sale Zambia Consolidated Copper Mine Investment Holdings -ZCCM-IH- shares in Zambian mines so that it can liquidate Zambia’s debt before creditors obtain a global order to seize the country’s assets.

Mr. Sinkamba has predicted a two year tough financial situation for Zambia especially in 2022 when the country will be required to repay the first Eurobond of $750 million.

He tells Phoenix News in an interview that it is better the shares are sold now so that Zambia can liquidate its debt, adding that the shares have not even brought meaningful dividends to the country.

However, mines minister Richard Musukwa recently said that the governments will not sell its shares in the mines.


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